You should not take pictures of yourself while driving
Determined to do this first little thing as suggested by Mr. Alexander Lacson on his book: "12 Little Things Every Filipino Can Do To Help Our Country", I started reading on the updated Republic Act (RA) 4136, a.k.a the Land Transportation and Traffic Code for some time now. Though the update has not yet been passed, I think it is still a must read.
The draft copy of the updated RA 4136 can be downloaded from the Automobile Association of the Philipipnes website: Updated RA 4136
The original RA 4136 passed in 1964 can be viewed here: Original RA 4136
It pretty much sums up traffic laws that we should be aware of. But the updated act is still vague. The act does not tackle about the issues of U-turn slots, use of hand-held devices when driving, license confiscation, ticketing, concrete barriers, among others. But I am hopeful that after the passage of this act, our streets would be safer and more efficient. Less traffic, less accidents! (Who would't want that?!) The government should have the will to effectively impliment this. And yes, the law may be there, but if we would not be aware of it and not follow it, then this act is crap. (Yeah i feel like rappin!) Drive safe!
We Can Change.